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How to cancel your hosting service with Ecowebzim? Print

  • 32

To terminate your hosting service with Ecowebzim, you'll need to follow a series of steps within the client area. This process typically involves logging into your account, navigating to the relevant section for managing your services, locating the option to cancel, and confirming your cancellation request. Additionally, you may need to provide any required information or reasons for the cancellation, such as a cancellation date or feedback on your experience with the service.

1. Login to your Ecowebzim Portal and Click on Services.

2. Select the service you want to cancel and click on the green "Active" button.

3. On the bottom left side of the screen select "Request Cancellation"

After completing the cancellation form, your service will be terminated the following day when the system's automated process runs. It's important to be aware that once your service is terminated, all of your files will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.

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